Saturday, September 28, 2013

Here’s another stab at a limerick

It seems like we’re in for a ride
Great verses flow like the tide
Quick wit and skill
Are summoned at will
The poets all brimming with pride

There seem to be plenty a verse
Well-written, witty and terse
The jury is in
But who will quite win
Is it a blessing or is it a curse?

And now we’re in quite a pickle
Great jibes to taunt and tickle
Gritty and bold
Did those lyrics unfold
So it’s time to bring out that strickle

By Charlene Flanagan

Limerick for my father

There lives a fat man I call dad
Eccentric, if not really mad
At the computer all day
He keeps rhyming away
Funny verses that make people glad

At the table today he did sit
Realising he could just about fit
Tapping his waist
While making egg paste
To gobble up every last bit

Now laughing at this silly rhyme
While whiling away all our time
Making big plans for dinner
But not how to get thinner
To dad, that's a really big crime

By Charlene Flanagan